
Business Boost

Bespoke Website Retainers

Like anything in running a business, website development needs constant nurturing to allow it to run smoothly. It’s no secret that good web design helps businesses thrive, and the best defence in web design really is a good offence.

At Welford, our website retainer agreements offer a hands-on and completely customisable care package covering innovative improvements, maintenance and technical support, content optimisation and critical updates, as well as extensive market research and reporting to assess your performance and any opportunities for improvement. We don’t wait until you notice a problem; our team will always be on the lookout for ways to refresh and improve your website, to keep your customers and clients always coming back for more.

With our website support retainer service, meeting your web development needs has never been simpler. Our Business Boost service was created to help business owners manage their website’s unique needs as and when they need it.

Get in touch today to discuss how Business Boost can work for you.

How does the Business Boost website retainer work?

As a proactive agency, our Business Boost package focuses on constant maintenance and improvement of your website. Our specialist team will assess the specific needs of your site and calculate how many hours per month will need to be allocated to carry out these tasks. A fully customised report will then be sent to you with a breakdown of services to meet your specific requirements, as well as a comprehensive cost calculation, and it’s then completely up to you what services you want to go ahead with. We’ll also be on hand to offer our guidance on what to prioritise.

Once approved by you, these services will form your bespoke website retainer. You may wish to start with us on a larger retainer, so we can prioritise foundational or critical changes, and drop down to a maintenance level when you’re ready.

Whats Included

Some of the services we can offer as part of your website retainer include:

Online store management

Whether it’s adding new or amending existing products, managing your shopping feed or creating eye-catching promotional materials, leave your day-to-day website management in our hands, and free up your time to focus on other areas of your business.

Frequent performance reviews

Using core industry analytics tool like Google Services data, Hotjar and many more, we will review various aspects of data to generate frequent reports, letting you see how your website is performing. This not only gives us valuable insight into what's going on with your website to identify areas of strength, weaknesses and opportunities for improvement, but it means you can see your success in real time.

Ongoing website improvements

Don’t get left behind; our team has no end of creative and innovative ideas to improve your website’s existing functionality, and we’ll keep you informed about any new features or additions that can take your website to the next level.

Content optimisation

We’ll review and optimise your on-page content for effective SEO targeting.

Security and maintenance

We’ll ensure your website is up to date with frequent reviews of any module updates or security risks, as well as keeping an eye on and clearing out any issues present in your error log.

& so much more!

The possibilities are endless in regards to how you use our services to help your business, you'll be surprised at how we can help!

Our Latest Projects

What we've been working on.

We've worked with businesses of all different sizes, industries and budgets. Take a look at a selection of our work below.

Solar automatic watering system.
Ecommerce CMS UI UX
Brown & Geeson
Racing since 1963.
Ecommerce UX UI Development Multi-store

How much does Business Boost cost?

Your bespoke website retainer fee will depend on how many hours per month you choose to invest with us. Budget limitations are no problem with Welford as we can customise your website retainer to suit the funds you have, meaning you can really make the most of your spend.

The standard rate for our website retainers is £80 per hour (a discount of over 10% off our studio rate), and we’ll sit down with you to discuss your budget and business goals, determine what work needs to be done on your website, and create a retainer that meets all your criteria; typically, this is between three and twelve hours per month.

Why should you invest in a website retainer?

By opting for a website retainer package, you can enjoy a whole host of benefits that you may not get from an ad-hoc approach to web development, including unlimited requests and revisions, increased efficiency and minimised risk of downtime.

We can also ensure that your website is always up to date. In a highly-competitive online world, keeping your website fresh is vital, and our team will partner with your business to constantly review your website and make suggestions for how to stay ahead of your competition.

Check out our blog to learn more about the benefits of a web development retainer.

What happens if you don’t have a retainer in place?

Recently, one of our clients (who is not on a retainer but works on a case-by-case basis) experienced downtime when a bug in one of their plugins caused some data to become corrupted. Between identifying the issue and the need for a quote and approval before an investigation or fix could be carried out, the issue took longer to fix, which was needless downtime for the business.

With a web development retainer, we can minimise this risk and fix issues rapidly, and we will be regularly working on and improving your site each month to prevent issues from cropping up.

With our knowledgeable team of specialists behind you, you’ll always have expertise on hand to really maximise your website’s potential; you can relax knowing that your website is in safe and reliable hands.

Ready to get started with a website support retainer? Get in touch with Welford today and one of our specialists will reach out to you to discuss your goals, requirements and budget, and put together a bespoke plan.